Debunking Common Personal Injury Law Myths

There’s a great deal of information available online to help you understand personal injury claims, but there are also plenty of myths. Unfortunately, the time at which you need to seek an injury claim is not the time to try to determine fact from fiction. Before you do need to file this type of claim, this guide will help you dispel common fallacies.


You Have to Pay Upfront

In dealing with other types of legal matters, you may have to pay the attorney an upfront retainer to represent you. However, your initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer is free of charge. If you decide to hire the attorney, they will work for a contingency fee or a percentage of the settlement you receive.


You Can’t Win if You Don’t Go to Court

In most cases, a personal injury case is settled out of court. Your lawyer will get together with the insurance company and their attorneys to discuss a settlement. Your lawyer won’t let you accept an offer that’s insufficient to cover your damages, but he may be able to negotiate for a fairer settlement offer. You will only have to go to court if an equitable offer can’t be negotiated.


You Can Trust Your Own Insurance Company

It doesn’t matter how long you have been a customer. Your insurance company is a business, and they will try to save money on your claim any way they can. It’s common for insurance companies to offer a settlement shortly after an accident has occurred. They want you to accept that early offer before you find out the extent of your injuries. They know you forfeit your rights to any future claims for the same damages once an offer has been accepted.


You Don’t Have to File Right Away

There is a two year statute of limitations on how long you have to file a personal injury claim in civil court. While this may seem like a long time, it will go by quickly. By the time you hire an attorney, begin medical treatment, and negotiate for a settlement, a great deal of time has already passed. If you also have to start a civil lawsuit, the statute of limitations will be dwindling.


When you are injured due to someone else’s negligence or intentional act, the first act you should take is to consult a personal injury attorney. The consultation will help you understand how the laws apply to your situation. The attorney will also provide an assessment of your claim to help you determine how to proceed.